Question 11. Have you had any incidents where bullets,
shrapnel or other pieces of metal have entered your body?
That's not a question you get asked every day but then it's
not every day you get an MRI scan.
It's six weeks since I had my accident. My broken collar
bone is healing nicely and I thought they'd forgotten about the whole brain
damage thing. Thinking about it they didn't take a lot of interest in the
suspect patches on the old grey matter found in my CT scan. I didn't get any
tests re my mental state except for this conversation:
Doctor - do you know where you are?
Me - Hairmyres
Hospital, East Kilbride
Doctor - yeah, you seem ok.
Actually maybe he was the guy who came round with the tea.
Anyway I got called back in to be looked at by the finest technology the NHS
On the subject of the CT scan (computed tomography) it is
imaging using multiple X rays. I made the mistake of looking it up on
Wikipedia. I learned that my brain would have received enough ionising
radiation to bake a medium sized potato.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) has the advantage of using
magnetic fields and radio waves to create images. These have no known
detrimental effects. It was a lovely day so I went to hospital by bike. I hid
my helmet in the top box. I didn't want them knowing I was riding about. I
mean, no one every specifically said "don't ride your bike" but I
though it was something I'd better keep to myself.
The operation was a model of efficiency. Without delay I was
in my smock and lying on a table with my head clammed in a kind of mask to hold
it steady. I was moved into the torus shaped device and the scanning began. It
is quite noisy, like being in a small room with a washing machine and
compressor running. I had headphones to receive instructions. They also played
music, "The Best of Sting", I think. I'm not sure if this made
the process better or worse. After about five String songs I was out. The nurse
administered some intravenous dye and I was back in for another five minutes.
And that's it.
"Find anything nasty?" I asked. "I can't tell
you even if I did, I'm not a doctor" said the radiographer.
"Best of Sting" ok for you, Sir?...Nooooooo! |