Tuesday 28 January 2020

Living in a Damp Climate

The local council is resurfacing our footways and road. To this end they displayed an order partially closing the road during the works. This was a piece of paper in a plastic bag attached to a lighting column.

The almost constant rain has filled the bag and it now resembles that which contained a goldfish given as prizes at fairgounds many years ago....or a saline drip.  

"That's why we use laminated orders" said Gwen who works in a neighbouring council. 

Wet, wet, wet


  1. When I lived in Puerto Rico near the ocean, sun and salt ruined my motorcycle paint.

    1. They spread salt on the roads here if there is snow or ice and this eats away at bikes. Luckily its not been so cold this winter so less salt about.

  2. 'Not a very informative sign is it? :-)

    1. You'd need a set of ladders to read the small print!

  3. Looks more green algae than print to me. All that ink, paper and water must make for a good growing medium. Perhaps it is the council's attempt at vertical gardening? ;-)
